Expert Guidance
Do you have an idea for a new service or product but not sure if it'll be successful?
What about an existing website, app or service that needs some improvement to drive and increase traffic?
UX / Design Researchers are strong advocates for customer experience, representing the voice of the user. We reveal what customers need from products by conducting research and exploring behaviours and motivations through surveys, interviews, focus group sessions and usability studies. We discover the problem space, ideate plausible solutions with teams and test solutions to improve user experience.
Check out the projects below.
Sun Safe App
UX/UI Design Research
Workshop Facilitation
The Sun Safe App was built to promote sun safety and UV-Index educational messaging and reminders for secondary school students.
Design Thinking tasks on this project included coordinating and recruiting 30+ students to attend 3 separate workshops to develop, test and iterate a hi-fidelity wireframe made with Marvelapp software. My role also included procuring an app developer and working closely to develop the Sun Safe app as the Product Owner. I supported the team to recruit students to evaluate the app over a 6-week period. Sessions were held in schools to gather feedback on the app as part of the evaluation.
A methods paper was published in the Frontiers in Digital Health journal in 2021 titled "Developing an online tool to promote safe sun behaviours with young teenagers as co-researchers."
Talk N Walk app
UX Design
Research and Evaluation
Leading the user testing of Nature Play WA's "Talk N Walk" app through user interviews, surveys and focus group consultation with students aged 11 - 14 around Western Australia.
Talk N Walk aims to encourage and supports young teenage girls to swap catch ups on the couch with active ‘Talk N Walks’.
My role as UX and User Testing involved over 10 one-on-one design thinking interviews with participants and their parents to develop and inform recommendations for the Talk N Walk from a user experience perspective.
Click here for more information on the Talk N Walk pilot program.
ocean observer
Design Thinking
Workshop Facilitation
CSIRO's Ocean Observer cloud team uses dynamic data processing and analytics workflow using cloud base compute and wanted to explore how it could be applied to data from the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) held in Amazon s3.
My role was to run a design thinking process through user interviews and workshops to better understand how scientists use data in their specific work, and how Ocean Observer's workflow could support these industries.
I facilitated a design thinking workshop to present the ideas and to receive feedback to improve the processes and demonstrations for the Ocean Observer team.
cyfi space app
Product Owner
UX Design Research
The CyFi Space app was developed to support young people with cystic fibrosis to manage their illness, mental health and promote social connection.
I supported the team to conduct focus group user interviews to understand barriers, motivations and emotions of young people with cystic fibrosis. Results from the interview helped to inform the development of the CyFi Space app.
This role also included the procurement and evaluation of the app.
The study was published in the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis (2019)
UX (user experience) design thinking is an innovative process that puts your customers' needs at the forefront of your business' product or service, ensuring they find value in what you're providing.
aerial app
IT Consultancy
The AERIAL study includes 300 families to use a non-invasive mobile app (AERIAL TempTracker) to record their baby’s temperatures and signs associated with viral infections.
This role included providing advice, procurement of a developer and UX research and user testing to develop a data collection app for a Telethon Kids Institute research study.
Click here for more information on the Origin's AERIAL Project.
act1ve app
UX/UI Design
Workshop Facilitation
The Children’s Diabetes Centre at Telethon Kids Institute and Perth Children’s Hospital aims to address the exercise-related challenges faced by adolescents and young adults with T1D by developing a digital educational exercise intervention - the "AcT1ve app" in order to support them to exercise safely and more frequently.
My role in this project included conducting and facilitating 3 UX design thinking workshops with over 30+ young people with Type 1 Diabetes to identify barriers and motivations to exercising. Results informed the features of an app to help promote safe exercise. A digital hi-fidelity wireframe was developed and tested in these sessions.
Click here for more information on the AcT1ve Diabetes app Project.
image up app
UX Design
Product Owner
An app developed for young people to stop and think before posting an image through their social media.
The app was developed as part of an intervention component of a larger research study called The Cyber Savvy Project.
My role included support to facilitate 2 whole-day design thinking sessions with over 70+ students in secondary schools across WA. Smaller focus group sessions were conducted during the day to discover needs, barriers and motivations for image sharing online.